1. ShippyPro Help Center
  2. International Shipments

How to manage your ETD Documents

Here's how you can upload your shipping documents to ShippyPro

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  1. Which Carriers support ETD and how to manage it

  2. How to add ETD documents

  3. Managing ETD for International Returns

  4. Troubleshooting & Errors


ShippyPro allows you to upload invoices and other paperless shipping documents for international shipments.

So you'll have a smooth customs clearance process and you'll avoid annoying customs delays!

Read more about international shipments here: How to manage International Shipments

1. Which Carriers support ETD and how to manage it


In order to know if your carrier supports ETD Documents, take a look here (column: Paperless). Below the most popular ones:


UPS v2

FedEx v2

Please remember to disable the Print Commercial Invoice option from your Carrier connection menu if you decide to upload your ETD directly.

2. How to add ETD documents


Click on Label Creator > Invoice Manager > Upload ETD Documents

Note that if you use ShippyPro on platform, you need to upload your ETD Shipping Document before shipping your orders!

If you ship via API you have, instead, two possibilities:

  • If you already have an order in the Orders page, please select it from the drop-down menu or enter the name of the customer in the search bar (only the international orders will appear):


  • If you are trying to upload a shipping document for a Manual Shipment, enter the Customer Name and the Country of Destination. (Remember to upload your ETD Document before shipping your manual shipment). ShippyPro will then match the customer name and country of destination when you create your manual shipment.

📌 At the moment it is not possible to upload the Shippypro invoice on a manual shipment. 

  • Select the type of document: Invoice, Air Waybill, Proforma, Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Customs Declaration. 

  • Click on Upload to upload the ETD Document. 

The ETD can be attached to your shipment up to 1 day maximum, after that you'll need to upload it again in order to link it.

  • You can now ship your order if it's in To Ship page or create a Manual Shipment


In order to spare some time during this process, we suggest you to upload all the shipping documents beforehand.

You can then ship all the orders in bulk from To Ship section! Learn how to ship multiple orders here.

You will see that the ETD document is correctly updated directly on the label.


Like this, e.g. on FedEx label:

e.g. on DHL label:


Please note that you can't upload more than one shipping document at a time for one order.


All your used ETDs will be notified directly inside Invoice Manager > View ETD documents with the word "used"


3. Managing ETD for International Returns


The above points also apply to return shipments.

If you are using Easy Return for international shipments and you wish to send customs documents electronically, please make sure that you disable the automatic return approval in your return rules and kindly upload the invoice before generating the return label.

Alternatively, you could opt out of ETD and send the physical invoice instead along with the label.

4. Troubleshooting & Errors


There was an error uploading ETD to FedEx: ''Authentication Failed. Please try uploading a new ETD for this order''

We suggest you contact your FedEx account manager to check your account settings and verify whether they have activated your API for Paperless shipments.