How to fix Seur errors

Have you correctly connected Seur but you're facing some issues during label creation?

Here's how you can fix them case by case:



In this case check that the credentials included for your connection are correct and update the order by clicking on Edit and Confirming.



Try with unchecking the option "Triangulation Integration" from Carriers > Seur > Edit, and try to fix the orders in error by clicking on Edit and Confirming.



Check the postal code of the sender, this must belong to the CCC business unit that you set in your carrier connection modal Carriers > Seur > Edit.

Example: if your CCC ends with xxxx-27, the sender's postal code must begin with 27. If you need to send parcels from a different postal code, for example from 28003, you need another CCC with a different suffix (-28 in this case).
You can have as many CCC as you need, you just need to ask for them to your SEUR's commercial dept.
On ShippyPro you will need to make a connection for every CCC.

ERROR: The address with city [CITY NAME] is not a valid address

​Since the Seur label generation has a double verification by postcode and city, this is a problem related to the wrong combination of the two data. Verify whether the postcode indeed matches the city and make the necessary corrections, then confirm again the order in error.

To check: Error trying to retrieve cities from API catalogue

  • If it is a return > the error occurs when the return address is outside Spain: the only way to avoid it is to set a Spanish return address.

  • If it is an outbound shipment > check with Seur that the zip code is correct

  • It can be also that the Seur server is down, please check our Status page

ERROR: invalid_grant, error_description: Invalid user credentials

Your credentials are incorrect, please double check them with Seur.

ERROR: Usage limit exceeded

This is an error due to excessive calls, the limit is 50 per minute.


To Check: Maximum number of packs allowed is 1.

Please note that SEUR only accepts multiparcel for domestic shipments.

In case you need to add other shipments, you can create as many Manual Shipments as you need.

Why are my ZPL labels printed without special characters?

Some printers are set to exclude special characters from the print, so that, for instance, "Córdoba" would be printed "Crdoba"; changing the printing format to PDF will produce a full print with all special characters previously omitted.


ERROR: The address with city [CITY NAME] is not a valid address:

Since the Seur label generation has a double verification by postcode and city, this is a problem related to the wrong combination of the two data. Verify whether the postcode indeed matches the city and make the necessary corrections, then confirm again the order in error.


There is a shipment with same reference and date

The issue is related to a momentary downtime from Seur. You can resolve it by going to your profile's preferences tab and change the option to print the Shippypro or the marketplace number on the label.



Error retrieve ecbs: There is no ECB data for country: X , postal code: X, service code: X , product code: X and administrative unit: X

If you get this error, check with your Seur contact person that your CCC has been correctly registered and configured on the carrier side.


Error: Not allowed to access this resource due to the cost center does not have an integrated client

Check if your credentials are test credentials or production credentials and flag or unflag the Test Mode option in the carrier connection accordingly



Fault: java.lang.NullPointerException

This error could be related to:

  • a temporary Seur downtime, fix the order later
  • incorrect credentials, verify them in the Carriers page