Learn how to solve the issues you may face with UPS
Have you correctly connected UPS but you're facing some issue during label creation?
Here's how you can fix them case by case:
- Switch to the new interface
- Go to the Orders section > Errors in the ShippyPro platform. Here, you will find a list of orders that have encountered errors and require your attention.
- Identify the type of error in the Error Type column and review the Error Message for specific details.
- Click on the "How to Fix?" button next to the error message to view a suggested solution.
- Correct the error by clicking on the wrench icon to open the Order form, and then modify any incorrect or missing fields.
Failure of Web Server bridge
In this case, try to confirm again the order/s in error a bit later, the error is related to a temporary issue with UPS server.
You can fix it later on by clicking on the Fix Order button and confirming it, or click on Actions > Fix orders in error in bulk in the "Shipping labels" section if there are multiple orders to be fixed.
To check: Name and company fields must be shorter than 35 characters.
The Name and Company fields must not exceed 35 characters for labels created with UPS.
Postal Code length must be 5 numbers.
The Postal Code must necessarily be 5 digits and must not contain special characters, such as - or /.
Province must be in the form of an abbreviation.
In the Recipient State field, you are asked to enter the province in the form of an abbreviation. The province in full form will generate a label in error.
User Id and Shipper Number combination is not qualified to receive negotiated rates.
In this case contract's tariffs haven't been synchronized, so you need to verify your credentials and, if correct, ask UPS to enable rates via API.
The shipper number cannot be used for the shipment.
This Error indicate that the Account Number may be wrong or suspended.
If this message occurs, check with your UPS contact.
Invalid product description for product number 1. Product description should be present at least once. Valid range is 0 to 35 alphanumeric
The Product Description field accepts a maximum of 35 characters. Make sure that this number has not been exceeded.
Failure: Unable to determine destination for Time in Transit Information. / Time in Transit information Unavailable. (111598)
For this type of error you should disable the option View Time in Transit from Carriers > Connection > UPS > Edit and then try to create the label again.
Failure: The country associated with Shippers ShipperNumber must be the same as the shipments Shippers country. (120120)
Enable Use your company info as fixed shipper from Carriers > UPS > Edit to solve this issue.
Negotiated rates are unavailable at this time
If this error occurs, UPS server is temporary not able to communicate rates. Please try again later.

Missing or invalid Notification/NotificationCode
You may encounter this error for several reasons.
- First, try to deselect any active notifications by navigating to Carriers > UPS v2 > Edit > Email Notification, and use Ctrl + click to deselect them.
- If you have already deselected all email notifications, try selecting only these three:
- If it does not work, more than likely it's because your shipper number (Account Number) from the Shipping API was not added to your ups.com profile. To verify you have the correct information in your UPS.com profile proceed as following:
a. Log in to ups.com (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API).
b. Select Account Summary from the My UPS tab rollover menu.
c. Verify your account is listed; if not, select the Add a UPS Account link.
d. Follow the instructions to add the account
Failure: Invalid Access License number (250003)
This error means that your XML access key is not valid for the server. Double check it and make sure you have production access to the UPS address validation API.
Missing or invalid shipper number
In case you receive this error proceed as following:
Log in to ups.com (be sure to use the same User ID and Password employed for Shipping API)
Select Account Summary from My UPS tab rollover menu.
Verify whether your account is listed or not; if not, select Add a UPS Account option.
Follow the instructions to add your account.
Failure: The ShipFrom country must be the same as the Shipper country (120317)
You can fix it in three ways:
Access Carriers > Connection > UPS > Edit > flag Use your company info as fixed shipper option.

Set that the order you're going to ship is a return label by clicking on the blue arrow before creating it.

Through API by adding: "IsReturn": true into the Ship request.
Missing or invalid ship from StateProvinceCode (120306)
In this case proceed to disable Enable Paperless option if active and select Use your company info as fixed shipper from Carriers > UPS > Edit.

Then proceed to update the shipment by clicking on Edit and Confirm inside Shipping Labels menu.
Missing or invalid ship from company name
Check the field "sender name" and make sure that the maximum number of characters is 35.
Invalid ShipFrom AddressLine2
The "Address 2" field of the sender or recipient's address is too long. The maximum number of characters is 35.
The Shipper's shipper number cannot be used for the shipment.
If you face this error please get in touch with your UPS Person.
The maximum declared amount was exceeded. Maximum value per package: 856 EUR. (121025)
Please keep in mind that the maximum value supported for Returns is 999 USD, to be eventually converted in EURO.
Invalid Bill-To type. (120444)
In this case the account number employed for billing is not recognised by UPS.
Failure: The selected service is not available from the origin to the destination. (121210)
Please check together with your UPS account manager whether your contract provide for shipments to the destination of the order.
Invalid Authentication Information (250002)
This error is shown when the UPS account password does not match the one provided upon account setup (it was reset or changed).
If this does not work delete the connection and create it from scratch from the Carriers section.
📌Note: tracking links and updates of previous orders will NO LONGER be available.
Failure: Address Validation Error on ShipTo address (120802)
Please review the recipient's Address, City, Postal code and State fields. This error is generated by UPS validation check whenever one of this fields does not match with the actual address.
📌 Note for shipments to the United States: a valid postal code in the USA is composed by 5 digits, no letters.
Missing or Invalid Vendor Collection ID Number
In case of this error, make sure that you’ve correctly populated the IOSS number from My Profile > Sender Info section. In case you still cannot solve it, try removing the IOSS number and confirm again the shipment in error.
The maximum number of user access attempts was exceeded (250006)
This error is shown when the UPS account password does not match the one provided on Shippypro (it was reset or changed), and you exceeded the amount of retries trying to operate with a wrong password.
1) Check your password on the connection modale
2) Reach UPS to unlock your account.
3) Fix the order
Destinantion Ireland Error Message: Invalid sold to state province code. Valid length is 0 to 5 alphanumeric (128100)
In order to correct the address of a shipment to this particular destination, please replace the postcode data with IED.
Failure: Invalid merchandise description of package (120623)
The item description field is limited to 35 symbols for UPS, check the length of this field and shorten it if necessary.
Failure: The UserId is currently locked out, please try again in 30 minutes. (250007)
The error message you're receiving for your UPS shipments is returned directly from the UPS server. In this case, please reach out to your UPS representative or the carrier's customer service to inquire about why your account is blocked.
The country associated with Shipper's ShipperNumber must be the same as the shipments Shipper's country
In this case, the customer code used for the connection does not allow the use of a non-domestic sender address, and you would need to check this limitation with your carrier contact.
"Failure: Invalid ShipTo AddressLine2 (120203)"
Please notice the maximum number of characters allowed in address field 2 is 35.
"Invalid freight charges monetary value. Valid length is 0 to 15 numeric and can hold up to 2 decimal places"
In case you are faced with this error, try to disable the option “Add freight charges to commercial invoice“ from your connection modal:

"To be reprocessed: Failure: The request is well formed but the request is not valid (10002)"
To correct this error we need to remove all special characters from the description of the items being shipped, including the description within document CN22
Missing or invalid ship from state province code
Check the information entered in the Sender State/Province field and use the abbreviation for Italian provinces.
Kindly note that for some countries (like the Netherlands) UPS Sender Province/State field can be left empty, try to remove any data from this field and elaborate it again.
Missing or invalid ship to state province code
If you get this error, try entering the Province abbreviation or ISO Code (e.g. Barcelona > B, Alicante > A) in the Recipient State/Province field, otherwise try reprocessing the order leaving this field empty.
Missing or invalid ship from address line 1
If you get this error with UPSv2, please check that the Sender Address entered:
is correctly valid and geolocatable;
does not exceed the limit of 35 characters including spaces (35 for Address 1 and 35 for Address 2)
Note: if you have activated the option "Use your company info as the fixed shipper" from the carrier connection modal (Carriers > UPSv2 > Edit), the sender address to be verified will be the one present in "My Profile" > "Sender Info" (the "Address" field must not exceed the character limit and the "House No." field must only contain the house number reference).
Missing or invalid ship to address line 1
If you get this error, try the following solutions:
- reduce the length of Address 1 to a maximum of 35 characters, including spaces.
- remove Address 2 field to avoid any discrepancies with the courier's street map: the Address 1 and Address 2 fields are in fact merged by the courier, so only use the Address 2 field if it is not possible to enter all characters of the main address in Address 1.
📌Please note that the combined character limit for Address 1 and Address 2 is 35, including spaces.
Missing or invalid shipper address line 1
The address field for UPS has a 35-character limit, longer addresses will cause this error. Remember you can use the “Address 2” field for other specifications (doorbell name, apt. number, etc.)
Missing or invalid Shipper AttentionName
Please note that the maximum allowed number of characters for the field Sender Name is 35, spaces included.
❗️ Important: In case you selected the option "Fixed Shipper" from UPS connection module, it means that we will take the sender information directly from your My Profile > Sender info section, so make sure that the name and surname you inserted there doesn't exceed 35 characters.
Missing or invalid ship to company name
Correct the recipient Name field with a maximum of 35 characters.
Printing could not be managed for the selected orders, please try again with fewer orders
If you are printing in ZPL with UPS and you are issuing the UPS commercial invoice at the same time, the invoice will always be in PDF, so the two formats won’t match. The label will return error Printing could not be managed for the selected orders, please try again with fewer orders. How to fix it? Please change the settings of the label type = PDF.
"Shipment Description is required for this shipment" (or "Missing package description")
In case of manual shipment:
- If you select to print the content "Marketplace Order number" from My Profile > Preferences > Content description printed on the labels, make sure to always correctly populate the Order Number field during the shipment creation or to populate the TransactionID field if you are shipping via API.
In case of orders coming from a marketplace:
- ONLY enter the transaction ID in the (Items) Description field.
- If the point above is not sufficient, select ‘Marketplace order number’ from My Profile > Preferences > Content description printed on labels:
Shipment Description cannot exceed the length of 50 characters
This error refers to the option selected in the Preferences section:

The solution is to change the above option by choosing another one such as order number.
Point_mode is required when point_id is set and viceversa
If you have selected a Pickup Point ID for delivery via the corresponding Carrier Option, you will also need to select a Pickup Point Mode from those available (Hold for Pickup or Access Point Delivery) and vice versa:

International Shipments cannot be voided at the package level
This error means you cannot edit an already created shipment, in this case, please proceed and create a new shipment from scratch.
The requested service is unavailable between the selected locations
- This error is displayed when the selected service is physically unable to be delivered from the origin to the destination, or the service is unavailable for the destination.
For example, postcodes 6991, 6992 and 6993 are geographically inaccessible from Austria and are only served from Germany. To facilitate delivery, the relevant German postcodes must be used and Germany must be defined as the destination country.
- If it's an international shipment also make sure you added the CN22 details.
- Please verify that the Zip Code is accurate and corresponds to the correct city. Be aware that any extra letters or spaces in the Zip Code could invalidate the address.
- If the error persists, please verify that the postal code for the sender's address is correct.
Invalid Destination (111542)
Please check the zip code and the city.
Invalid Carrier
This error is displayed when the field "Carriername" in the API call is not correctly filled in.
If you use the UPSv2 modal the field must be filled in as follows:
"CarrierName": "UPSv2"
Why can't I display the UPS SurePost service while creating my shipments?
Kindly note that UPS SurePost service is not available from the standard label creator and can only be included as a service while making a Shipping API call.
I cannot see the UPS rates and I display the error "No matching rate and transit times available (111562)" among the excluded carriers
Open the UPS connection modal page and remove the flag on "View time in transit rates". If your tracking is created in the format 1ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, it might be necessary to remove the Test Mode option from Carriers > Connections > Edit.
My Mexican shipments are going in error
Effective March 6, 2023, all packages sent to, from, or within Mexico will be required to have a package-level description of the shipped items. Be sure to add it to your Mexican shipments.
What can I do if my UPS rates are not correct?
You've just tried shipping one of your orders with UPS but the tariffs shown do not correspond to the negotiated rates from your contract.
Here are some tips that might help!
1. If you get Error User Id and Shipper Number combination is not qualified to receive negotiated rates, ask UPS to upload your rates via API.

2. Check if you enabled Show tariffs with no VAT option from My Profile > Preferences.

3. Try to disable View Time in Transit rates and enable Use your company as Fixed shipper from Carriers > Edit.

4. If you have enabled Test Mode but your credentials are production credentials, try disabling this option from Carriers > UPS > Edit:

Why can't I see my UPS notes on the label?
UPS labels don't print that field, it will be automatically transmitted to the Carrier filling CarrierNote via API.
Why I don't receive UPS tracking notifications?
Not all UPS services provides for tracking notifications, and you can easily recognize them according to the NotificationCode.
First number is the NotificationCode we send in the UPS request:
2: Return notification or label creation - for return Shipments only. Not applicable to GFP (Ground Freight Pricing).
5: In-Transit notification - for return shipments only.
6: Ship Notification - allowed for forward moving shipments only.
7: Exception Notification - Not applicable to GFP.
8: Delivery Notification
There was an error while uploadign the file. Please try again later. - Your UPS Account number is not authorized for user generated forms functionality.
In your connection modal, please check the box "Request UPS Commercial Invoice along with the label". In the event that this doesn't work, we recommend you to check with your UPS sales representative whether you are authorized to generate the forms externally.
Invalid return service. Check the selected service in carrier configuration.
In this case, you should check your UPSv2 template from Carriers > Edit and select the correct type of return service from the drop-down menu (“Return Service Type” field).

Why is Address 1 and Address 2 information inverted on the shipping label?
Those are the carrier’s settings which unfortunately cannot be changed.
Don’t worry! all information is still correctly transmitted to the carrier.
Why is sender’s Address 2 information missing on the shipping label?
Those are the carrier’s settings which unfortunately cannot be changed.
Don’t worry! all information is still correctly transmitted to the carrier.
Invalid or missing product origin country code for product number 1
The Country of Origin inserted in the CN22 could be wrong.
If you configured the Customs Info section under My Profile section, check that you associated a valid Country of Origin for the involved SKUs.
Printing could not be managed for the selected orders, please try again with fewer orders
UPS always returns a GIF label if COD is selected.
This forces us to make a conversion from GIF to PDF when COD is selected. COD + ZPL is currently not supported for this reason, only PDF.
ShipTo PhoneNumber must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters
Check the receiver phone number field, it must have at least 10 alphanumeric characters, note that 0000000000 is not accepted.
Also keep in mind that the recipient number must match the format of that destination country's phone numbers.
"Missing or invalid shipment indication type code."
If you are shipping via API with the "Pickup Point Mode" carrier option, make sure to enter the correct code in the "value" parameter (01: Hold for Pickup, 02: Access Point Delivery).
Invalid number of products
Invalid/Missing Refresh Token
Invalid sold to state province code. Valid length is 0 to 5 alphanumeric
Ensure that the "State/Province" field does not exceed 5 characters. If it does, replace it with the correct province abbreviation and process the order again.
Invalid Shipment Contents Value
If you receive this error while trying to get UPS rates, please check the Total Value field and note that it cannot be left empty.
json_encode error: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded
In order to solve the error delete all the special characters present in the addresses, description of goods and CN22 details.
ETD Documents Not Correctly Attached to the Order
If you encounter multiple documents of the same type attached to the same order during shipment processing, please ensure that the test mode is disabled in the UPS connection. To do this, go to the "Carriers" section and click on the "Edit" button next to the UPS logo.
RSS web service currently unavailable
The error indicates that there is an issue with the system responsible for handling tracking requests or package updates. Essentially, the carrier is unable to communicate with its server, which prevents the processing of the shipment.
It is advisable to wait a while and then attempt to reprocess the shipment when encountering these errors, allowing the carrier time to resolve the issue.
Missing or invalid ship from address
Check if the option Use your company info as default shipper is selected inside your UPS connection, which causes the error as the address is not matching the one inside My Profile > Sender info
Why do I get wrong rates for some countries?
Kindly note that for some countries (e.g. UAE) it may not be possible to display your negotiated/discounted rates in ShippyPro due to courier limitations (the display of negotiated rates through online or shipping applications may not be available for specific areas).
You can double-check this with your UPS point of contact.
The Delivery Confirmation option cannot be combined with the Return Services option. (among the excluded carriers).
The shipment (usually a return) is not compatible with the ‘Signature required’ option selected in the UPSv2 connection on the Carriers page.
UPS Account is not authorized for Hold for Pickup at UPS Access Point Shipment
When shipping through the API, ensure that you select the "Pickup Point Mode" carrier option and input the value as 02.
Missing or invalid service code
Check the service type inserted into the Carrier connection from Carriers>UPS>Edit, if you ship via API do not select All Services and make sure to insert the specific service in the connection and API Call.