Have you correctly connected DHL Parcel but you're facing some issues during label creation? Here's how you can fix them case by case:
- Switch to the new interface:
- Go to the Orders section > Errors in the ShippyPro platform. Here, you will find a list of orders that have encountered errors and require your attention.
- Identify the type of error in the Error Type column and review the Error Message for specific details.
- Click on the "How to Fix?" button next to the error message to view a suggested solution.
- Correct the error by clicking on the wrench icon to open the Order form, and then modify any incorrect or missing fields.
Can I ship to a Packstation with DHL Parcel?
Yes, you need to set the address as follows:
Street Line 1: " Packstation " + space + number
Street Line 2: Postnummer
The Postnummer is the Deutsche Post recipient's reference code that should have between 6 and 10 numbers.
Moreover, please make sure not to include the Company name inside the recipient address for the Postfiliale.
"statusCode": 118,
"statusText": "Invalid GKP username and\/or password."
You can directly inform your DHL person about that, they'll show you how to change your DHL account access data.
📌 Verify together with the Carrier whether your Account Number is authorized to ship to Germany or other European countries other than Germany.
Der angegebene service ist nicht bekannt?
In this case turn off the Print return label option inside Carrier's module.
It is very likely that there is a misconfiguration in the DHL account, i.e. the return has not been activated by DHL.
Contact your DHL Sales Person and ask to check and correct the settings in your DHL account.
Cannot book pickup
If you encounter this error when trying to schedule a pickup with DHL Parcel:
Please note that the pickups are valid only for Germany and only with production credentials (test credentials won't be accepted).
You can set up 10x15 cm label format directly from DHL Parcel Portal at this link.
Why do I have two identical DHL Parcel Tracking Code?
If you happened to find two orders with the same DHL Parcel Tracking Code, don't worry!
What you need to do in this case is to ask your DHL Parcel Account Manager to extend Tracking Range, in order to generate different Codes for each shipment.
Hard validation error occured. Bitte geben Sie eine Postnummer an.
Hard validation error occured. Packstationsnummern liegen zwischen 101 und 999. Bitte setzen Sie sich mit dem Empfänger in Verbindung, um eine korrekte Nummer zu erfragen
It means that the Postnummer (Deutsche Post recipient's reference code that should have between 6 and 10 numbers) hasn't been included or it hasn't been included correctly.
Why my DHL Parcel shipments are no longer tracked?
If your DHL Parcel shipments seem no more tracked, your DHL Parcel credentials might have expired. ⏱
Contact your DHL Person in order to update them.
A verifier: Request processing failure
Temporary server issue, please wait a few minutes and try again relaborating the labels.
The shipment ordered via EDI data has not been posted. The shipment data was therefore canceled
If your shipment has this tracking status, please verify that you have actually handed over your parcel to the courier after the creation of the label and within the 14 days that DHL requires in order for the tracking generation to be considered valid