Have you correctly connected Amazon Shipping but you're facing some issue during label creation? Here's how you can fix them case by case:
'AmazonShipping does not work with orders from Amazon!' or vice versa
You'll need to contact your AmazonShipping contact partner, explain the situation and eventually get enabled on the flow you're interested in (Amazon Marketplace orders import or different Marketplace orders import)
GetRates API call: Can not find items for order
The problem occurs because you're shipping orders before we import them from Amazon. In order to solve the problem, you should be certain that Amazon Marketplace is connected to your ShippyPro account and that the orders are correctly imported into To Ship section.
📌 Please note that the order importation doesn't take place in real time, but the orders can be imported in a maximum timeframe of 10 minutes.
NO_COVERAGE No coverage found for requested shipping service
Your shipment may be addressed towards a not allowed destination. Please check the coverage of Amazon Shipping services for the destination address of your shipment with your current connection settings.
NO_COVERAGE We apologize for the inconvenience. We cannot ship the order because there are no upcoming pickup slots available.Please adjust the pickup slot and retry. (Code: S-503)
If the courier is excluded with this error (e.g. due to upcoming bank holidays ) try changing the ‘Additional Pickup Days’ value from the Couriers page (Couriers > Amazon Shipping > Edit)
"Unable to send this shipment with the selected rate. Please try again or use a different rate."
"Invalid Rate ID: Rate ID must be composed of Rate ID and Request Token separated by an underscore (eg: rate-id_request-token)"
The RateID in the Ship call is empty or invalid.
It's not possible to edit nor fix the labels but you'll be able to make again the request.
Kindly note that to use Amazon Shipping via API is mandatory to first make GetRates API call before Ship API call.
Indeed you'll need to retrieve the RateID directly from the GetRates response and enter it into the Ship request.
"error_message": "AmazonShipping: - 1 validation error detected: Value null at 'packages.1.member.items.2.member.quantity' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null"
In case Amazon Shipping rates are excluded because of this message, please check the content of the order. No one of the items' value must be 0.
In case you see the following error:

make sure that you've accepted the Amazon Shipping T&C in Seller Central for Amazon Shipping to send rates. In case you're not seeing Amazon Shipping rates, it may be because you haven’t accepted Carrier T&C inside your Amazon seller central.
Also, make sure to verify if perhaps the ZIP code is not supported by the carrier, you can find the list of non-supported zip codes here: List of Zip Codes
The request has an invalid grant parameter : refresh_token. User may have revoked or didn't grant the permission"
It means that the Amazon Auth Token has expired - In this case you can correct the issue by deleting your current connection and creating a new one with the same credentials. In case it is not yet expired you can extend its validity by going in your Seller Central profile, then in the "Manage your Apps" section and click on the link that says "Extend validity".
To check: SWAPLValidationException occurred while validating and enriching case entities The provided token is expired
It means that the Amazon API for some reason did not respond in time and the token has expired.
You will need to create a new shipment for this order, since manual re-elaboration of the current shipment in error does not pass a new Rate ID (token).
Kindly note that the status of the orders needs to be Shipping in order for them to be imported into ShippyPro.
Kindly note that to use Amazon Shipping via API is mandatory to first make GetRates API call before Ship API call.
Indeed you'll need to retrieve the RateID directly from the GetRates response and enter it into the Ship request.
Please notice the shipment date might be modified based on the pickup window configured on your Amazon Shipping Account.
error: AmazonShipping:We apologize for the inconvenience. We cannot ship the order due to an internal service error. Please contact us for additional support. (S-900)
We recommend reaching out to Amazon Shipping for a review of your active contract.
The Amazon order could not be found.
The error occurs when shipping rates are requested from a Seller Account, but the order belongs to a different Seller Account.
Make sure to check that you are requesting the shipping rates using the correct merchant ID.
AmazonShipping - Spedizione nazionale expressa :UNKNOWN We can't ship this package because it won't get to the customer on time with our available shipping speeds. Please ship this package with another carrier and mark it as shipped.
If you encounter this error and are unable to ship your order, please contact the courier company for assistance and a suitable solution