Let's learn how to connect Etsy in a few steps!

Etsy does not allow the import of orders from merchants based in Turkey.
1. Connection steps
You can proceed with Etsy connection from Marketplaces by clicking on Etsy v3 Logo,
Then include your Etsy credentials and you'll be ready to go!
In case you flag the option Update my Marketplace profile with shipped orders tracking numbers and mark as shipped option from Marketplace > Edit, your Etsy shipped orders will be automatically updated on the marketplace.
If you leave it unchecked, you will need to proceed manually with the marketplace update.
Kindly note that Etsy orders won't be updated in case the Carrier doesn't provide for any tracking.
One example are the shipments made through Amazon FBA, which since don't provide any tracking number cannot be updated on the Marketplace.
2. Troubleshooting & Errors
Why are orders not being imported into ShippyPro?
If orders are not being imported into the platform, try deleting the Etsy connection from the Marketplace/Store page clicking on "Delete" , and creating a new one.