Connect GLS Spain to your ShippyPro account will only take you a few minutes! 🙌
You can connect GLS Spain by requesting to your GLS Sales Contact your UID Code: that's a 36 digits code which includes both letters and numbers.
Once received email confirmation, you'll be able to connect GLS from Carriers section and then add your Carrier's Rates.
Click on GLS Spain Logo to connect the Carrier. Here's the pop up that will show up with the fields to fulfill:
Please remind to add your Customer ID as following for tracking purposes:
not FI2B0B42E7AC2BDIBD91001IIC450483
Add then your UID Code and select the Service you're going to employ.
You'll also see Label Type option, it gives you the possibility you to choose the correct label format for your printer.
You can choose between:
EPL can only be printed with an EPL Printer.
1 Domestic
74 EuroBusiness Parcel
76 EuroBusiness Small Parcel
54 Euro Standard
13 International Economy
37 Economy
And then your Timeframe:
h 10
h 14
h 24
h 72
Ship to UK with GLS Spain
Do you ship with GLS Spain and you're still not aware about the best practices to ship to UK after Brexit?
​You're in the right place! Keep reading to discover all the required steps to ship to UK without further ado.
All exports must contains VAT Number, required by the UK Tax Agency, which needs be processed on your WEB (currently there is a response time of 4-6 weeks).
All exports must contains EORIs from both the exporter and the importer / buyer.
All invoices must have no VAT.
Remember to specify the INCOTERM for all your shipments, which in case of a shipment with a value lower than 135GBP, should be INCOTERM 18.
📌 For shipments with a greater value decide the INCOTERM to apply and add it to the invoice.
Upload your invoices to GLS customs portal for custom purposes.
Ask GLS the authorization for customs clearance.
Currently food is not allowed (neither perishable nor non-perishable).
For more information, please contact your GLS commercial.
Once you have completed the carrier setup, click on "Edit Prices" to add at least one weight range and a zone.
Additionally, you can configure other shipping settings such as Cash on Delivery (COD), fuel surcharges, and the estimated delivery date, which will be based on the values you enter in the Delivery days - min and Delivery days - max fields.
Go to this link to check common errors and resolutions:
Please note that GLS Spain domestic shipments does support multiparcel, international shipments can only provide for monoparcel instead.