How to connect TNT Express to ShippyPro

Discover here how connect TNT Express is super easy

Let's see how you can connect TNT Express to ShippyPro in just few steps. 🔍




  1. Before you start
  2. Supported services
  3. Additional options
  4. Troubleshooting & Errors


1. Before you start


To connect TNT Express you need to ask for your TNT Connect credentials to your TNT Account Manager: Account Number, Account Country (2 digit), Production Username, Production Password

2. Supported services


Services available:

09:00 EXPRESS - 09
10:00 EXPRESS - 10
12:00 EXPRESS - 12
12:00 EXPRESS - 12N

⚠️To use live rates, you should select “All Services”


📌 Note: TNT Express can currently be employed for Domestic shipments only.

3. Additional options


  • Cut off time (XX:XX format) refers to Pickup time that you need to verify directly with the Carrier.


    📌 In case you get “If the collection date is today, preferred collection end time must be greater than now + 1 hour”, it means that you tried to create the Label one hour before Pickup time.


  • Label Type gives you the possibility you to choose the correct label format for your printer.


    📌 The suggested format for TNT Express labels is PDF A6


  • Generate Manifest gives you the possibility to generate for each shipment a manifest along with the label

4. Troubleshooting & Errors


Please note that TNT Express rate transmission is automatic. For this reason when facing this issue you'll need to check if the credentials included are correct.


You can find below some of the most common errors which can cause this error:


  • Username employed cannot be an email address, that's why we ask you to contact your TNT Express Sales Person to retrieve your TNT Connect production credentials.

  • Account country must be only one country with 2 letters.

E.g. United Kingdom should be written as GB.


It's not possible to add more than one country:


9400 Contact: name has exceeded it's maximum length
The length of this field must not exceed 22 characters.

4003 Delivery address: name has exceeded its maximum length
The length of this field must not exceed 30 characters.


There are no tracking updates for the shipment

You must be sure that the destination city you entered is correct and congruent with TNT's nomenclature, otherwise the courier cannot provide the tracking information.


If the collection date is today, preferred collection end time must be greater than now + 1 hour.

Verify from Carriers > TNT Express > Edit if the time added to Cut Off time field is correctly related to Central European Time.



Error: you are not authorized to use this service
This message indicates that Express Connect Service is missing.

Ask your TNT Express Sales Person to activate it on your account and you should be ok.


The delivery address town could not be found
The error means that the supplied town & postcode combination is not in the required TNT spelling - you can contact your TNT Representative for more assistance.