Learn how to solve the issues you may face with ChronoPost Portugal
Have you correctly connected ChronoPost Portugal but you're facing some issue during label creation? Here's how you can fix them case by case:
To quickly correct your ChronoPost Portugal orders/shipments and resolve errors, follow these steps:
- Switch to the new interface:
- Go to the Orders section > Errors in the ShippyPro platform. Here, you will find a list of orders that have encountered errors and require your attention.
- Identify the type of error in the Error Type column and review the Error Message for specific details.
- Click on the "How to Fix?" button next to the error message to view a suggested solution.
- Correct the error by clicking on the wrench icon to open the Order form, and then modify any incorrect or missing fields.
For further details, you can refer to the following article: Orders Errors and How to Fix Them
Não foi possível criar a Expedição. Serviço indisponível. Por favor tente mais tarde.
Carrier's server is not temporarily available, you can try later by clicking on Fix Order.
O campo DestinoTelefone do objecto expedicao não é um número de telefone inválido. O número de telefone deve ser numérico, deve ter o comprimento maior que 8 e menor que 16 digitos.
Recipient phone number field is not correctly filled, verify it by clicking on Fix Order.
Phone number must be longer than 8 digits and smaller than 16.
O comprimento do campo DestinoMoradaLinha2 do objecto expedicao não pode ter mais que 32 caracteres.
Information included in Address 1 field exceeds the 32 digits limit, verify it by clicking on Fix Order.
O comprimento do campo DestinoMoradaLocalidade do objecto expedicao não pode ter mais que 32 caracteres.
Information included in State field exceeds the 32 digits limit, verify it by clicking on Fix Order.