How to merge orders

Here's how to merge orders before shipping your labels

With ShippyPro, you can spare time merging orders.
Let's see how!


  1. How to merge two orders

  2. How to merge more than 2 orders


Using the New Experience?

The New Experience may differ in some details.
Learn more in here

1. How to merge two orders

Simply select the orders of the same marketplace you'd like to merge and then click on Merge more orders (max 2 orders!).


2. How to merge more than 2 orders

Shippypro can also automatically detect orders with the same recipient (even more than 2) that can be merged thanks to our ShippyPro Routing Optimizer:


Then you'll be asked to confirm the merge:



You'll also be able to display the Estimated Saving for the merge. 🙌


The auto-merge button is only activated for orders created in the marketplace in the last 15 days.


📌 If you use the GetPendingOrders API, if called after the merge, can fetch only the order in which all the other orders have been merged.


If you'd like to undo the merging, you need to delete the order and then wait 10 minutes for the dashboard to refresh.



  • you can only merge orders from the same marketplace, so if the same customer has 2 orders coming from Amazon and Prestashop, you won't be able to merge them.

  • If an order has already been merged you can't do it again. In case it is still present in To Ship section, click on the X icon under the Actions column to import it again (orders won't be imported twice from Ebay, this one however gives you the possibility to import it trough the Ebay Importer).

  • If the orders to be merged have custom notes, only the one from the first selected order will be kept, while the others will be deleted.

  • All the merged orders will be updated on the marketplace.