Learn how you can add the order description, order number, SKU and some other information on your labels.
You can customize your shipping labels by adding customized fields on them.
Let's see how you can do this step by step! 🎉
📌Please note that we receive the generated label directly from Carrier's server.
In fact labels content depend on the Carrier and not all of them will allow to print the whole data.
How to edit my Shipping Labels preferences ⚙️
From My Profile > Preferences, you can edit the content description printed on your labels from this specific sections:

Content description printed on the labels
From this box you can choose what information to include inside your shipping labels:
Order description: The order description will be automatically retrieved and included.
ShippyPro order number: You can decide to include this or not.
Marketplace order number: You can decide to include the order number that appears on the marketplace.
📌 The marketplace order number cannot be changed when you send the order. -
SKU and quantity: Tick this box if you'd like to include the SKU and quantity of the order.
Custom value: Tick this box and enter the text below.
📌 Please pay attention that only one option can be selected from those listed above.
📌 Please note that even if SKU and Quantity is flagged, the data may not be printed due to courier side restrictions.
Order reference printed on the labels
You can choose whether to show ShippyPro order number or Marketplaces order number on the shipping labels.