How can I search my Orders?

Searching for your Orders has never been easier!

Discover here how to do it.


Before starting, just one note:

Search will be valid only for complete values, so partial data won't be considered. Make sure that the Order ID forwarded is complete.


Global Search

From Label Creator > Shipping Labels, click on the central button Global Search.

This button allows you to search order including also archived and cancelled orders.

Search an order by number, reference, recipient or tracking!

You'll find it even if you have archived it or cancelled an order by mistake.


Please note that due to performance reasons, the searches based on names and e-mail addresses are limited to 3 months.

On the other hand, searching by ShippyPro order ID, Transaction ID and tracking number will return all results, without any time limit.

Global Search may not return results if the order reference contains special characters such as #, in this case you can search your order by tracking or by ShippyPro order ID

Search Multiple Orders

Just includes Orders' IDs separated by a + in the Search Bar.

So that Orders' IDs will be ID 1 + ID 2.


Then they'll be both shown down below in the page, so that you can proceed with your work super quickly and saving time!


Here some extra hints:

  • Orders that haven’t been shipped in ShippyPro will not be searchable via Global Search.

  • If the label has been cancelled before shipping it on the Platform, it cannot be found.


Errors & Troubleshooting

I can't find an order that has already been shipped. What can I do?

Don't you know how to find an order? Don't worry!
Here are some tips to help you find it!

Tip 1: Search it with Global Search

From Label Creator > Shipping Labels, click on the central button Global Search.
This button allows you to search order including also archived and cancelled orders.

Search an order by number, reference, recipient or tracking! You'll find it even if you have archived it or cancelled an order by mistake.

- Due to performance reasons, the searches based on names and e-mail addresses are limited to 3 months. On the other hand, searching by ShippyPro order ID, Transaction ID and tracking number will return all results, without any time limit.

- Global Search may not return results if the order reference contains special characters such as #, in this case you can search your order by tracking or by ShippyPro order ID


Tip 2: Search it in the Archived Orders

If you don't remember the order number, reference, recipient or tracking number you can still search it between the archived orders if you have archived it by mistake.

Orders will be archived for a maximum of 120 days. After 120 days, it won't be possible to unarchive them.

Tip 3: Filter by Date

If the search from the right bar ‘Search in this date range’ does not return the desired order and your Shipped Orders section displays the banner ‘Your selection includes more than X orders. Please select a smaller date range.’, try archiving some orders or selecting a smaller date range from the “Filter by Date” filter.


How can I find Unshipped Orders?

Are you looking for your Unshipped Orders but you can't find them immediately?
Here what you can do:

  • Go to Shipping Labels section and write the word Unknown in the Search Bar on the right.

Once confirmed the research, orders that haven't been shipped yet should appear down below in the page.

Here's another option:

  • Go to Track & Trace section, there you'll find a filter called Show Unshipped Only.

So that they will be shown as a list.