With ShippyPro you can create QR Code Labelless Return shipments and automatically email a QR code to your customers. Their experience will be simplified, and they will not need a printer anymore.
Delight them and give a boost to your return experience!
Contact us to activate QR Code Labelless Return now on your ShippyPro account.
1. What’s QR Code Labelless Return
QR Code Labelless Return is a return shipment service with no need of label generation: in place of the label, a QR code will be created. This service removes the hassle of complicated return procedures and the need for a printer! At the same time, you will help the environment by reduce printed paper. ShippyPro will automatically send an email to your customer containing the QR code and some simple return instructions. The customer has just to reach an out-of-home point, show the QR code, and drop the package. It will be surprisingly fast!
The service supports only domestic returns.
2. How to activate the feature
As simple as that! Follow these easy steps:
You can activate a QR code Labelless Return service as any other services, by enabling it in carrier configuration page. Search the specific carrier's “How to connect“ guide to know more.
Contact us to activate QR Code Labelless Return now on your ShippyPro account. Once activated, a new tab "QR Code Labelless Return" will be shown on ShippyPro.
Select the language and the carrier connection to be used and check "Enable the sending of this email to your customers"
Additional Options
Click on “Set Logo” and upload your company logo to customize the email and show your company brand.

Click on test/preview buttons if you want to try the look and feel of the email you will send to your customers

Follow the link and set your own SMTP Server in order to send emails to customers from your company email domain. If you don’t want to do it, don’t worry, we will send the emails from the address no-reply@shippypro.com.

3. What carriers provide the service
The feature is currently available for Poste Delivery Business (PDB). Would you like us to support any other carriers? Contact us !
4. Payments and costs
QR Code Labelless Return shipments are included in your plan. Shipments using these services will be deducted from your residual number of shipments, just like any other outbound or return service.
Automatic email sending to the customer with QR Code and shipment instructions is a premium feature. Payments for this service will be processed at the end of each month, based on the number of emails sent.
Contact us to know more about the pricing.