How to connect MyGLS Eastern Europe

If you ship from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia you can connect your MyGLS Eastern Europe contract through one single integration and in just few steps!



Let's see how to do it!


⚠️ Please keep in mind that the current Connection will be ceased in March 2021, therefore you'll need to switch your connection to MyGLS Eastern Europe from Carrier's connection page before that date:





  1. Before you start

  2. Connect steps

  3. Additional Options

  4. Errors & Troubleshooting

1. Before you start


To connect GLS EE you need to ask your GLS Sales Person the activation of your API credentials.

2. Connection steps


Once received email confirmation, you'll be able to connect GLS from Carriers and add your Carrier's Rates.

Click on GLS Logo to connect the carrier. Here's the pop up that will show up with the fields to fulfill:


Username 🔗

Add here the API Username received from your GLS Sales Person.

Password 🔐

Add here the API Password received from your GLS Sales Person.

Account Number 🔢

Same thing for your GLS Customer Number.

Label Type 📝

Gives you the possibility you to choose the correct label format for your printer.


You can choose between:





If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.


Kindly note that you can change print settings from MyGLS account > Settings > Type of Printer:

3. Additional Options


Flex Service

Flag Flex Service to enable the service for all the countries where GLS provides it.

4. Troubleshooting & Errors


Invalid timestamp 20230828110907

You can encounter this error if you want to ship to some countries (e.g. Romania) as this version is nor longer valid to ship there. You need to integrate the new version called MyGLS EE from the Carrier page.


PrintLabelsError : Unauthorized

You probably forgot to ask for the activation of your API credentials. Please ask your GLS Sales Person.


PrintLabelsError : Nullable object must have a value 

The GLS Eastern Europe connection is only valid if you ship from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia.