If you're experiencing some issues with eBay connection, don't panic! 🙌
Here's how you can fix them case by case:
1. Update issues
Why are my eBay orders not being updated on the marketplace all of a sudden?
If the orders are no longer getting correctly transmitted, verify if you recently changed your eBay password. If some modifications have been done to the account credentials, you will need to follow these steps:
- Update your eBay token by navigating to Marketplace > eBay > Renew Token. For further details, please refer to Section 3. General Issues of this guide.
Go to Label Creator > Shipping Labels.
Select the orders you want to update and click on Actions > Update marketplaces with shipments info
2. Import issues
Are you facing some issues with eBay order importation?
- Make sure that your eBay Token has not expired. If it has, please update it by following the steps outlined in Section 3: General Issues. After updating the token, use our eBay Importer tool to force the import of your orders by following the instructions in this guide.
Make sure that your eBay orders only present digits, special characters, or symbols. Otherwise, these symbols won't allow shipping data to be imported.
In this case, fix Orders IDs from the marketplace.
eBay does not transmit the cancellation of an order via API. Therefore, ShippyPro won't receive the information regarding the order being canceled.
By default, we'll import eBay OrderID, if this is missing the item ID (OrderLineItemID) will be imported instead.
Why my orders have been imported without product images?
You'll be able to solve this issue in a few steps with eBay Importer
With eBay Importer, you can force the import of those orders and see if there are orders that you still need to process.
You'll only need to delete the orders wrongly imported by selecting all orders in bulk and clicking on the red button Delete more orders:
Click then on Admin > eBay Importer and select the eBay store you have just connected.
Select the day(s) during which orders hadn't been processed yet and click on Load.
You'll then find the orders that weren't imported into ShippyPro. Click on Import on the right side of the page to import them in To Ship with product images!
Why do I see the wrong image for my items?
In case you have different products, you'd need that each product has a different SKU: otherwise, in case of repeated SKUs and different images, only the first image will be displayed for each one. To sum up, just remind to follow this super understandable rule:
1 SKU = 1 Image.
3. General issues
How can I renew the eBay Token?
Renew your eBay Token will literally take two minutes.
Once a year, you need to renew eBay Token, go to Marketplace > eBay and then click on Renew Token.​

Add your Credentials and you'll be immediately ready to go again!
Keep in mind that orders received after the token expires will not be automatically imported into ShippyPro, even after the Token Renewal.
With eBay Importer, you can force the import of these orders and see if there are any orders you have yet to process (see the procedure mentioned above for eBay importer).
I cannot connect my ebay account to ShippyPro
If you encounter this error and you have set the rules on Teams in ShippyPro, the error is about the rules of your team.
You must provide the ShippyPro "semi-admin" account to the members you deem necessary to have this permission. After that, try again!