Learn how you can enter your parcel dimensions in a few steps
With ShippyPro, it's possible to set predefined parcel dimensions in order to save time when you ship your orders! If your products have standard dimensions, assign them to a specific package so you won't have to do it every time.
Let's see how it works! 🔍
1. Before you start
This section is crucial if you want your shipping process to be even more effective. It allows you to create specific packages to associate to specific products automatically so you won't have to insert package dimensions for every shipment.
2. Add your parcel dimensions
You'll find predefined dimensions that can easily be edited from Admin > My Addresses and Parcels > My Parcels.
Adding parcel dimensions manually
Add your parcels' dimensions manually by clicking on Add a parcel.
Set parcels' dimensions and weight. Dimensions and weight refer to the package to be assigned to a SKU and not to the Product itself.
You need to add at least 100 g weight, because under this value it won't be recognized.
You can then associate a specific SKU to your parcel dimensions. Then, all your products with the same SKU will be automatically associated with these sizes.
Multiple quantity preference: it's possible to choose how to assemble the parcels. If you have assigned parcels dimensions to SKUs and you have an order with multiple SKUs, it's possible to choose how to manage parcels:
Assemble: In case there are more SKUs of the same type in one order, our system will automatically determine a sum of longer sides between SKUs dimensions already registered and assign them one big parcel that contains all the items of the order. For example, if we had 4 items 18x18x30, the system will do the following interactions for the creation of the single parcel:
3 times the sum of 18 for the length = 54
2 times the sum of 18 for the height = 36
1 times the sum of width 18 + 30 = 48
Going to create a single parcel 54x36x48
Multiple parcels: In case there are more SKUs of the same type in one order, our system will keep parcel dimensions divided and assign one parcel to each SKU so that to create multiple parcels automatically.
Add a custom label to your parcel dimensions and click on Save.
📌 Remember that the weight expressed in the preferences will be of the same unit of measure as the packages when creating the shipment
📌 Remember that in order to view all the parcels, it is necessary to fill in the SKU field in all parcels, including the one named "default".
Adding parcel dimensions with an Excel file
If you already have a list of SKUs with predefined weights and dimensions, it will be possible to upload an Excel file by clicking on Import Excel at the top.
Firstly, click on Download Excel to obtain your Excel file which you can then fill with your own information.
Select one of the following options:
If SKU already exists - Update values: this option will update the already existing SKU with the information imported with the Excel file.
If SKU already exists - Add another parcel for the SKU: this option will add a second predefined parcel associated with the SKU just imported.
If SKU already exists - Delete: the previous SKU will be canceled and replaced by the new one.
Open the file and fill in the required fields. You can label each dimension so that you can distinguish it from other parcel dimensions.

Note: Please remember that under Multiple quantity preference you need to put 0 for Assemble or 1 for Multiple Parcels
Remember to cancel the Title line from the file before importing it.
Import the file on My Parcels by clicking on Import Excel so that your parcel's dimensions will be automatically uploaded.
📌 Note: For performance reasons, the overview of the list of loaded parcels is limited to 200 lines. The number of correctly loaded parcels will be indicated in the top left-hand corner ("X parcels in Total") and it will still be possible to search for other parcels from the "Search by SKU" search bar
How to Fill Out the Excel File
Once you have downloaded the Excel file, be ready to fill it out correctly.
Enter the weights in the "Weight" column, the package width in the "Width" column, the package length in the "Length" column, and the height in the "Height" column. Please note that you cannot enter only the weight of the packages; you must also include the other three dimensions. Failing to do so will result in an error during the file upload process.
In the "Weight unit" and "Dimension Unit" columns, enter the units of measurement for the values specified in the previous columns. Make sure that all data is presented in the same unit of measurement. You can use grams and centimeters for your package measurements, so be careful to ensure that any conversions from kilograms to grams and from meters to centimeters are accurate.
- Enter a name in the "Label" column to help you identify the dimensions of your parcels.
Ensure that there are no empty rows in the file.
- Once you have completed filling out the file, be sure to remove the first row, which contains the column headers.
Make sure that the dimensions and weight settings in the My Profile > Preferences > General Preferences section are configured with the same unit of measurement.
3. Manage your parcel dimensions Options
You can set some additional options that will be valid for every parcel dimension you added. You can choose to set a weight limit that allows you to separate packages every 3 kg, for example.
Also, if you'd like to assemble parcels when multiple SKUs are present set the button on Yes.
Note: When setting the limit for a single parcels, ensure that the limit is expressed in the same unit of measurement as the dimensions of the parcels you have entered.
For example, if you have entered the dimensions of your parcel in grams, ensure that the value you set for the limit is also in grams.
Set parcels dimension as default
You can set the parcel that you mostly use to ship your orders as default by clicking on Set as default. However, while shipping your orders you can choose another predefined parcel or type dimensions manually.
Edit or delete your parcel dimensions
You can edit your parcel dimensions singularly by clicking on Edit.
You can also delete a specific parcel:
Singularly, by clicking on the red button Delete.
In bulk, delete all the parcel dimensions you set by clicking on Delete all parcels.
Search specific parcel dimension
You can search and filter specific parcel dimensions by typing either the custom label you set or the SKU you associated using the search bar on the left. In order to correctly associate the SKUs with parcel dimensions and weight, make sure to insert the SKUs exactly how they are configured on the marketplace. If your SKU is e.g. ITEM123 and you inserted it as ITEM 123 in ShippyPro, it won’t get correctly applied to your shipments.