Learn how the Auto-Retry of Orders with System Errors works
1. Overview
When generating shipping labels, carriers may experience temporary downtimes, resulting in System Errors that prevent order processing.
Most of these errors can be resolved by simply retrying the request after a short delay. However, manually reprocessing these orders slows down your shipping workflow.
To solve this, ShippyPro introduced Auto-Retry Orders with System Errors, an automated feature that automatically retries failed orders up to three times at set intervals—eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring a smoother fulfillment process.
See here what are the other types of errors you can encounter while generating a label.
2. How does it work?
ShippyPro will then automatically check whether the error is classified as a System Error:
✅ If the error is a System Error:
1️⃣ ShippyPro will wait 5 minutes before attempting to reprocess the order the first time
2️⃣ If the reattempt is successful, the label will be created, and the order will move to the Shipped section during the next refresh.
3️⃣ If the first reattempt fails, ShippyPro will try again four more times at increasing intervals, for a total of 5 intervals:
1st Attempt: 5 minutes
2nd Attempt: 45 minutes
3rd Attempt: 120 minutes (2 hours)
4th Attempt: 300 minutes (5 hours)
5th Attempt: 1440 minutes (24 hours )
❌ If all the reattempts fail, the order will remain in the Errors tab. At this point, you will need to manually reprocess the order or select a different carrier.
⚡ Manual Reprocessing:
If you manually reprocess the order and successfully generate a shipping label while the auto-retry workflow is still active, the order will automatically exit the workflow to avoid duplicate processing.
3. How to Enable Auto-Retry for System Errors
Follow these simple steps to activate this feature:
- Go to the Orders Section > Errors Tab
- Enable Auto-Retry toggle on the top right corner of the table
Once enabled, ShippyPro will automatically attempt to reprocess orders that received a System Error. You can disable this feature at any time.
4. FAQs
What happens if all retry attempts fail?
If the order still encounters system errors after the last retry attempt, it will remain in the Errors tab. You will need to manually reprocess the order, switch to a different carrier, or contact your carrier for further assistance.
Does this feature work for all carriers?
Yes, Auto-Retry is compatible with all carriers. However, some carriers may require manual intervention for specific error types.