If you had some trouble during your MyDHL connection, you came to the right place! Please follow the guidelines below to find solutions for your issues. 🚀
I cannot find the correct procedure to register to the myDHL Developer Portal
I have followed the guide but I don’t have Production access yet
I don’t know which credentials I should use to connect myDHL to ShippyPro
1. I cannot find the correct procedure to register to the myDHL Developer Portal / DHL EXPRESS API:
Go to DHL Group API Developer Portal and sign up if you don’t have a Developer account yet. Once you've signed up, click on “Browse our APIs”
Search for DHL Express - MyDHL API and fill in the form called DHL EXPRESS - MYDHL API ON-BOARDING REQUEST. In case of doubt on how to fill this, please consult our guide and myDHL guide for further information.
Once you have completed this form, you will get a message:

2. I have followed the guide but I don’t have Production access yet
Sign in on the myDHL Developer portal and check your approval status on My Apps Dashboard.
Click on the App and make sure both the Testing and the Production modes have been enabled by your DHL representative. If not, please contact DHL directly to speed up the process.

3. I don’t know which credentials I should use to connect myDHL to ShippyPro
On ShippyPro, go to Carriers > Connection and select myDHL. Follow this guide for the step-by-step process.
Make sure you use the API Key and API Secret as they appear on myDHL Developer Portal without inserting any spaces. Double check if there are any spaces at the beginning or end of each field, and remove them. Spaces are not allowed in this connection module.
Please know that the API Key is not an email address and they are not your myDHL credentials.
Need more help? Contact our Support Team either via chat or form request from your Support Panel by clicking on the black HELP button in the lower right corner of your account.