Let's see how you can connect Colis Prive to ShippyPro in just a few steps.

1. Before you start
To connect ColisPrive you should ask your Colis Prive contact to activate API on your Credentials
2. Connection steps
Once done, add your Account Number (numéro de compte) = Colis Prive Customer ID, Password, Account ID and Customer ID to Carriers > ColisPrive Logo.
3. Additional options
Enable Test Mode if you'd like to make some test shipments.
The "Test Mode" option should be flagged only if you have test credentials, not production credentials!
In case a Test mode is employed, drop-off points selection will not be available.
If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.
4. Troubleshooting & Errors
Kindly note that the tracking information will be transmitted and mapped only via API and not FTP.
In the recipient address, precedence is given to the Company field when filled in; if left blank, the Name field is sent to the courier.
In case it is necessary to enter both data, both should be entered in the Company field.