Keep reading to know how to connect your Tipsa account in just a few steps!
1. Before you start
To connect Tipsa you need to ask your Tipsa Sales Person to activate API on your credentials.
2. Connection steps
Once received confirmation fill with the information requested the fields from Carriers > Click on Tipsa Logo, add Agencia, Cliente and Contrasena:
Check your Label Type between:
3. Supported services
You can choose between:
14 horas
Carga aerea - maritima
19 horas
International Classic
4. Additional option
Click on to enable one or both the option to notify your customers about their shipments:
Send SMS notification
Send Email notification
Test mode: flag this option only if you entered Tipsa test credentials.

If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.
In order to enable external tracking link you should ask your Tipsa Sales Person to enable the tracking with agency + customer + reference without postal code information applied.
Please remember that International shipments are only available from Spain to Portugal for the time being.
5 Troubleshooting & Errors
Error 9: La agencia de destino no existe o está inactiva
It means that the postal code is wrong or not allocated to any Tipsa office, please verify it and try again.
El tipo de servicio no es admisible para la agencia de destino seleccionada
Verify with Tipsa that the service you have selected in Connections > Carriers > Tipsa > Edit is valid for shipments to that address.