Discover here how to connect Delivengo in just few steps
In this article, you will learn how to connect Delivengo to ShippyPro and add additional options such as a Test Mode to your existing connection.
1. Before you start
Before you start connecting this Carrier, you need to request the Token and Coclico to your Delivengo Account Manager.
2. Connection steps
After you have obtained your credentials from your sales advisor, follow this step by step guide and connect your Carrier:
Visit Carriers and click on the Delivengo logo.
Add your Token and Coclico.
Pick your Package Type as well as your Service.
Package Type |
Bak CE30 CP Palette |
Service |
Delivengo Suivi (Normal - Conso - Easy) Delivengo Recommande avec AR (Normal) Delivengo Reccomande sans AR (Normal) Delivengo Economique (Normal) DelivengoPrioritaire (Normal) |
3. Additional options
Enable the Test Mode if you'd like to make some test shipments. Please keep in mind that this option should be flagged only if you have test credentials, not production credentials!
4. Troubleshooting & Errors
Error "Le support '33' n'est pas disponible." o "Le support '50' n'est pas disponible."
Check your Account Type from your Delivengo Profile in Carriers > Edit.
Support 33 (Delivengo Suivi) is a Support linked to a MyDelivengo account
To solve this error verify to actually have a MyDelivengo Easy account.
If the error persist, try to change Account Type from your Delivengo Profile.
I do not see customs documentation on the label
If the value of the shipment exceeds 370€, or if there are more than 4 items shipped, the courier will not return the CN23 documentation on the label, but a separate document will be created that can be downloaded from the courier's website.
Erreur lors de la création de l'envoi. Error on pays Les expéditions vers ce pays "COUNTRY" sont provisoirement suspendues.
Shipments to this specific country may be delayed due to strikes or unforeseen events that may affect the delivery service.