How to set up a "Return Rule"

Learn how to create your Return Rules in this step-by-step article

ShippyPro Easy Return is the best solution for Reverse Logistic challenges. 

It allows you to create your return portal, embed it in your website and put your returns in autopilot! 

In order to start creating your Return Portal, you first need to create your Return Rules.

Let's see how!



  1. How to set up your Return Rules
  2. FAQs

1. How to set up your Return Rules


You can set up your Return Rules following these steps.

Click on Easy Return > Return Rules from the drop-down menu. 

In this section, you'll be able to set rules and conditions to your return process. You can create, edit and translate your rules. 

On the right side, you can see a draft of the return rule you're currently editing.

  • Choose a Return Reason

Start creating your rules by selecting or adding the return reason you'd like to set. You can also customize the reason according to your product catalogue. Try and write it down. ✏️


  • Set a Time Limit for Returns ⏳

Select the number of days within which you customers must return the item/s:

Note: days limit starts from the delivery date.


  • Order Value Range

Enter the Range in which the Order Value must be included.

  • Choose Acceptable Regions

You can choose to accept Returns only in specific Countries.

By clicking on each region, you can exclude some countries clicking on ✖️ or include other typing its name.

  • Who pays for the Return?

Decide whether to pay for the return or charge it to your customers.


If you decide to charge the cost of the return shipment to your customers no label will be generated and consequently, no email will be sent to the customer.
In this case, ”Inbound: Not Available” will be displayed in the Return List in Return Analytics

Note: on Easy Return Carrier's Rule will be applied on every Return Rule.


Other settings can be different from rule to rule instead.

e.g. allow return within N days, allow return if Country = X o Y


For this reason Carrier's Rule are replicated and you can't set different carriers for different rules.

  • Decide to approve it manually or automatically

If your company is paying for the return shipping, you can choose if the request will be approved automatically or if you'd like to approve it or not.

If you choose the automatic approval, add the address where the item must be shipped to.

Click then on Save Rule to set a new rule.


If the approval is automatic you can decide with which carrier you'd like your returns to be shipped with. 

Note: Automatic confirmation is applied to all existing return rules as a preference of your terms.


The customer will automatically receive the return label created according to your settings per email.


You can manually approve your orders directly from To Ship > Returns.

  • Once you have selected  automatic approval, you can decide to which address the returns should be send. Simply select the address from drop-down menu under "Return to":


Note: Options under "Return to" will be available whether more then one sender address is configured in the "my addresses" section.

2. FAQs


How will my customers receive the Return Label?

Your customers can print the shipping labels in one click. 

Once the return request is approved, ShippyPro sends the Return Label of your carriers by mail with return instructions.


Can I preview my Return Rule?

Before you click on Save Rule, take a look at the Draft that you'll find on the right side!🔍


Can I translate my Return Reasons? 

You can add translations for the Return Reasons you included on your Return Rules manually, even if you entered them manually. 

Click on Set Return Reasons Translations s on the right side of the page to translate it in 8 languages:


From the window that pops up, you can manually add translations for 8 languages. Your customers will view them in their language according to the country of destination!


Can I edit or delete my Return Rules?

All your Return Rules will be gathered on the right side of the page.

You can filter your Return Rules per Reasons and Country. You can either delete them or edit them by clicking on the relative buttons.


What happens if I add a new Carrier?

When you add a new Carrier you need to update your return rules and also apply to its mails the changes done to the others

So if you add DHL, for example, you'll need to set the specific rules for that carrier, as well its return email from Easy Return > Email Templates.

What happens if I disable a Carrier associated with a rule?

When a carrier connection is disabled from Connections>Carriers>Disable but remains associated with a return rule, if the related Account Number is still active and working the return rule will always rely on that carrier (even if disabled), you will then need to edit the rule if you wish to change carrier.