How to connect DPD Local to ShippyPro

Let's see how you can connect DPD Local to ShippyPro in just few steps. 🔍​


  1. Connection steps

  2. Supported services

  3. Specific requirements

  4. Errors & Troubleshooting

1. Connection steps

To connect DPD Local you need to add your DPD Local credentials from Carriers > DPD Local logo.

2. Supported services

Select then the Service you're going to employ between:

Parcel Next Day = 2^12
Parcel Second Day = 2^11
Parcel by 10:30 = 2^08
Parcel by 12:00 = 2^13
Classic = 2^19
Direct = 2^80
Expresspak 1 Next Day = 2^68
Expresspak 5 Next Day = 2^32
Parcel Saturday = 2^71
Expresspak 1 by 10:30 = 2^04
Expresspak 1 by 12:00 = 2^03
Expresspak 5 by 10:30 = 2^28
Expresspak 5 by 12:00 = 2^33

3. Specific requirements

Choose your Label Type:

Citizen Printer: ZPL
Eltron Printer: EPL


💡Note: Zebra Printers are not supported by DPD Local, nor ZPL to PDF conversion. For this carrier is required an Official Citizen Printer.


💡Note: it's not possible to display the Ebay marketplace order number on DPD Local shipping labels.


If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.

4. Errors & Troubleshooting

"ErrorMessage": "Invalid credentials"

In this case you'll need to contact DPD Local support in order to get API access.

As a first thing, find your local Depot by searching it from this link and adding your Zip Code, you'll then be able to reach DPD Local to activate your credentials.