How to connect TNT Express Australia to ShippyPro

Follow this step by step guide to connect this Carrier to ShippyPro

TNT Express is one of the most popular global shipping service providers. In this article you will learn how to connect this Carrier to ShippyPro so that you can take advantage of the domestic power of TNT Express Australia.🗺️



  1. Before you start

  2. Connection steps

  3. Supported services 
  4. Troubleshooting & Errors

1. Before you start

To proceed with the connection you will have to retrieve certain information from your TNT Express Australia representative. In particular, you will have to obtain your Username and Password, along with an Account Number, Sender Number (it's usually 5 characters) and a Prefix (which is used to create the tracking numbers).

2. Connection steps

Once you have retrieved all the information necessary you can proceed to connect the Carrier:

  • Navigate to Carriers page and click on TNT Express Australia Logo.

  • Insert the Username, Password, Account Number, Sender Number and Prefix provided by your sales representative.

  • Proceed to select the format of the label (only PDF labels are supported at the moment).

  • Select the default amount of additional workdays required to prepare the shipments: used to delay the shipment of a number of days inserted by the user.

  • You can choose to select Test Mode to test out the platform and the Carrier connection. Please keep in mind that this option should be flagged only if you have test credentials, not production credentials!


3. Supported services

The Carrier services can be chosen from the available services during the shipment creation process as they are transferred directly through API (GetRates).

4. Troubleshooting & Errors

"Please be advised that we have reached capacity in our network and are unable to take any new bookings for today."

If this message appears when choosing a service, it means that you can't make more shipments for this day. Example: If you try to make a shipment on Friday evening you will get this error, to solve it, you need to change the additional shipping days during the connection process.