When creating your shipments you may come across some warnings underlined in yellow ⚠️
This kind of message will help you speed up and optimize the checks that you perform every day for each order underlining the critical points that in most cases cause orders to go wrong preventing you from generating shipments with errors.
When you see the warning you can directly click on it to be redirected to the page where you can apply the correction:

These messages vary based on the selected rate and can be related to the character limits of the carriers, wrong addresses, or other specific carriers' requirements, the message next to the warning sign will give you a clear indication of what should be changed.
When shipping multiple orders you can filter only the ones with validation alerts so you can easily find them and correct them:
Please note that these messages won't block you from going on and creating your labels without making any modifications, but they are just suggestions that could help you avoid errors in the next step.
You can also decide to hide these warnings in the Ship modal by clicking on ⚠️ and switching off the toggle:

If you encounter red warnings though, remember that they signal blocking errors as they relate to mandatory carrier information, these must then necessarily be corrected.