Let's see how you can connect ColisPrivè in just few steps.

1. Before you start
In order to connect ColisPrivè C2C to ShippyPro you'd need to have a ColisPrivè C2C account with FTP access in order to retrieve the shipments update.
2. Connection steps
Once you have retrieved all the information necessary you can proceed to connect the Carrier:
Navigate to Carriers and click on ColisPrivè C2C Logo.
Insert the API key
Enable Tracking: in order to get the tracking updates you need first to have enable this functionality by the carrier. Once enabled you have to enter: FTP Username, FTP Password, Shipper Code - Colis Privè ID
Select the shipment service
Select the label type you want to generate
3. Specific requirements
Previsional Deposit Relay ID
When you create the shipment, you need to communicate, as a carrier option, to the carrier the point ID where you will drop the parcel, in order to let the carrier pickup it at the point.