How to connect Paack to ShippyPro

Paack offers last-mile and mid-mile deliveries for e-commerce and retailers with express shipping.


In this article you will learn how to connect this Carrier to ShippyPro so that you can take advantage of the scheduled same-day and next-day deliveries of Paack in Italy.



  1. Before you start

  2. Connection steps

  3. Supported services

  4. Specific requirements

1. Before you start

In order to connect Paack to ShippyPro you'd need to have a Paack account with API access in order to retrieve the Client ID and the Client Secret required for the connection.

2. Connection steps

Once you have retrieved all the information necessary you can proceed to connect the Carrier:

  • Navigate to Carriers and click on Paack Logo.

  • Insert the Client ID and the Client Secret.

  • Select the default amount of additional workdays required to prepare the shipments.

    • (Optional) Enable pickup and/or delivery on Saturday and Sunday, only if your agreement with the carrier include these services

  • Select a Pick-up and Delivery timeslot for shipments.

  • Pick your Timezone and select the format of the label (PDF and ZPL available).

3. Supported Services

The Carrier services can be chosen from the available services during the shipment creation process as they are transferred directly through API.


Service Name

Service Code


Next-day delivery - Fixed timeslot - 4h


Italy, Spain, Portugal

Next-day delivery - Fixed timeslot - All day


Italy, Spain, Portugal, France

Next-day delivery - Timeslot available - 2 hours


Spain, Portugal, France

Next-day delivery - Timeslot available - 4 hours


Italy, Spain, Portugal, France

Next-day delivery - Fixed timeslot - 4h - Chilled


Spain, Portugal


Enable the Test Mode if you'd like to make some test shipments. Please keep in mind that this option should be flagged only if you have test credentials, not production credentials!

4. Specific requirements

  • If you try to request a delivery service that doesn't meet the allowed service time slots, the carrier generates a label in any case. Paack will then contact the recipient of the shipment to agree a more appropriate delivery time slot.

  • Paack manages all time slots in UTC, hence when you send a shipment request in a different time zone, you may will get an adjusted time printed on the label.
    E.g. You set up delivery time slot from 9:00am to 1:00pm (CEST time zone), you will get a label where the displayed time will be 7:00 am, corresponding to the start time you set, expressed in UCT time.
    For the Pick-up time slot, we suggest to set the ones you have agreed with the carrier.