How to connect PostNord to ShippyPro

Learn to connect PostNord to Shippypro and start shipping from Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark straight away. Your ecommerce will broadly benefit from this made-to-fit solution to ship internationally.




  1. Before you start

  2. Connection steps

  3. Additional Options

  4. Troubleshooting & Errors

1. Before you start

In order to connect PostNord to ShippyPro you first need to follow a few steps.

  • Create an account in the PostNord developer portal that you can find following this link.

  • After you have created your account you will have to send to your ShippyPro sale representative your Account number, Production Customer Number and Name.

  • We will communicate with PostNord to enable your API Key.

  • It is important to not send requests to the APIs in production before PostNord has confirmed that the connection has been made, otherwise the booking request will be discarded and the customer will be fined for not sending in a valid EDI.

2. Connection steps

  • Click on Carriers > select the PostNord Logo.

  • Once you have opened the connection page insert the Customer Number and API Key

  • Select the service type by selecting the one you are contracted for:


    Service Name

    Service Code

    PostNord Tracked


    Posten Varubrev Ekonomi


    PostNord MyPack Home


    PostNord Parcel (B2B)


    PostNord MyPack Collect


    PostNord Return Drop Off


    MyPack Home Small


    PostNord Tracked Letter


    Expresspaket/Express Next Day


    PostNord InNight


    PostNord InNight Reverse


    PostNord Pallet


    PostNord Parcel Special


    Posten Varubrev 1:a klass


    Posten Varubrev Retur


    International Parcel


  • Select the Issuer Code by selecting it from the drop-down menu. You can choose among:

    • Automatic (we will select the code according to the sender country)

    • Z11 - PostNord Denmark

    • Z12 - PostNord Sweden

    • Z13 - PostNord Norway

    • Z14 - PostNord Finland

  • Select your label type by choosing between PDF A4 and ZPL A6.

3. Additional Options


Flex Change

This special service can be activated by checking the option "Enable FlexChange service". FlexChange service should be used in combination with service MyPack Home.

Return Label

If this option is present in your contract you can select this option to offer your customers an easy return process.

Notifications by letter

Let your customer know when the package has arrived. Use this additional option if you want your customers to receive a notification by letter.

Test Mode

Use this option to test out the platform and the carrier. Make sure you have requested test credentials and make sure to not insert your production credentials as they won't work.

Custom Label

Write down an easy-to-recognize name to distinguish this connection from others.

4. Troubleshooting & Errors


"api-ship: Unable to ship from non-Nordic State."

Please check your sender address and notice that shipments can only be within Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark based on your contract