Let's see how you can connect ParcelPakket to ShippyPro in just a few steps.
1. Before you start
In order to connect your ParcelPakket account ask your ParcelPakket contact to activate API credentials on your Account.
2. Connection steps
Once you receive confirmation, input the Username and Password from Carriers > Click on ParcelPakket logo.
Pick your Service Type between:
A - Home Delivery
15 - Home Delivery - Wertpaket W1
12 - Home Delivery - Wertpaket W2
Kindly note that by selecting service A - Home Delivery with an order containing COD payment method it will be automatically switched to Service G, currently not available in the connection menu.
3. Additional options
Enable Test Mode if you'd like to use your Test Credentials:
If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.