Are you trying to connect your La Poste account? Then you're in the right place!
1. Before you start
As a first thing, kindly note that La Poste can currently be connected as Lettre Suivie (Groupe La Poste).
To connect Lettre Suivie (Groupe La Poste) to ShippyPro you need to ask your Lettre Suivie (La Poste) Account Manager the following information:
Contract Number
Numero Compte
Range Min
Range Max
Postage Number
Post Office Name
Etab PCH
2. Connection steps
Then you can include them from Carriers > Lettre Suivie Logo.
At the moment you can integrate your La Poste account as Lettre Suivie.
3. Supported services
Lettre Suivie ECOPLI is the only service which doesn't need a Tracking Range so you can add a value between 0 e 10000000 during the setup.
For Standard service you need to ask your Account Manager the Tracking Range that will be assigned to you.
4. Additional option
You'll also see some further options, let's take a look at them!
Print Item Description lets you print your content details on the label-
Label Type allows you to decide label format to be applied, you can decide between: PDF, Horizontal A4 PDF with packing slip to be printed automatically and ZPL.
If you want, you can also enter a Custom Label to recognize the connection among all the others.
5. Troubleshooting & Errors
If you do not use API integration and you get “No ranges available” Error message, you should contact your Lettre Suivie Sales Person and ask for a new range.
To prevent this error to appear, check your Carrier profile from Carriers > Edit to see if you're running out of ranges and ask for new ones in advance.