With ShippyPro Suggest page you'll be able to forward us all your suggestions or improvements that you'd like to see on our Platform or vote for already existing ones.
Our Development Team will take care of your requests in order to let you know as soon as possible their feedback.
Let's see how it works! 🔎
Create a Suggestion ticket 📝
First of all, this is how the main page looks like. You can easily spot our Make a suggestion button on the right, add there a title and a brief description to create a ticket.

Every ticket can then be voted by other Users so that our team will be able to easily recognize the most popular ones.
Activities Summary 🗂
By clicking on the first option on the left you'll see all the In progress integrations, as well as all past completed ones. Clicking once again on one of the activities, there will be displayed the status and the history of comments received for that task.

Suggestion filters 🏷
You can also decide to filter tickets by Trending, Most Voted and Newest.
Just click on one of the categories to consult all of the results for each one.

These suggestions will be analysed by the Product Team, who will decide whether to proceed with implementation based on our queue and the interest shown by our customer base.
Please don't hesitate to leave your suggestion or vote for the ones already in so to let us improve the platform and offer you the best experience ever. 🙌