How "Shipping Rules" works

Learn how to set up Shipping Rules

With ShippyPro you can now ship your orders faster than ever! 

With Shipping Rules, you can set specific rules for specific marketplaces and carriers and ship your orders with just a click.




1. How it works


Setting your shipping rules will allow you to ship your orders in bulk and faster than ever. For example, you can decide that all your Amazon orders will be shipped only with TNT.

You'll firstly need to set your rules from Label Creator > Shipping Rules. Here you'll have all the rules you already set.


If you ship via API, the order must be present in the 'To Ship' section in order to correctly apply the shipping rules. To do this, you must first create the API folder and then perform the PutOrder call


To start creating your Shipping Rule, click on Create a New Rule on the top left side of the page and follow these quick steps:

  • Rule Name

First of all, you need to name the rule you're creating. This name will then appear when you filter your shipments in To Ship.


  • Activator

You can choose to enable the rule for all your orders or enable it for a specific source, like a specific marketplace, for example. 


Shipping Rules can be enabled only for manual shipments, returns and for orders imported from an Excel.

If you enable a rule for a specific marketplace, you'll then be able to filter your imported orders per marketplace and ship them in one minute.


  • Conditions

From this section, you can set the conditions for which your rule will be enabled.

Click on Add a new Condition on the right to start setting your rule. You can apply specific filters and enable the rules for specific conditions according to your needs. 

Remember that the measures of weight and the currency make reference to the one you set when you first registered to ShippyPro. You can change them anytime from My Profile > Preferences.


You can decide to filter:


-By Countries: You can enable the shipping rule only for specific countries. Just add the condition and choose the countries you'd like to include. Please note that in order to select multiple countries, you need to select the first country and then press and hold CTRL for Windows and the Command key for Mac. 


-By Weight: Set the weight (kg) range in which your orders must be included:

-By Order Value: Enter the range in which the Order Value must be included:

-By Amount paid for the shipment: You can decide to filter orders according to the amount paid by for the shipment. 

-By Postcode: You can include only orders whose recipient address contains a specific postcode.

-By Product Title: the title of the product in orders ready to ship

Note: in order to apply multiple Postcodes you need to separate them with a comma, without spaces. Learn how to add them in bulk with TEXTJOIN Excel function.

-By Shipping Services: You can include also specific services of your Carriers that will be automatically retrieved from your Carriers. 


-By SKU: You can decide to filter and ship only specific products by entering their SKU. 

Note: in order to apply multiple SKU you need to separate them with a comma, without spaces.


-By Order type: for Amazon orders only, you can choose among Amazon Business, Consumer, Premium and Prime

-By Address type: for Amazon orders only, you can choose among commercial or residential receivers' addresses


  • Carriers

You can then decide to ship orders that match your condition only with specific carriers. 

Note: Please note that in order to select multiple carriers, you need to select the first one and then press and hold CTRL for Windows and the Command key for Mac. 



From Label creator > Shipping Rules you'll see al the shipping rules you've created with a recap of the conditions. Here you can edit or delete them. 


Note: GetRates API will work accordingly to Shipping Rules applied.


Only rules set on any shipments will be applied with GetRates, the ones set on specific Marketplace won't work with this API call.


The rules can overlap; if an order meets the criteria for multiple rules, all applicable carriers will be displayed along with their respective rates.



2. How to ship orders using your Shipping Rules


From Label Creator > To Ship, you can ship your orders using the Shipping Rules you've created.

  • Filters

By clicking on the blue button Filters, you can filter your shipments according to your Shipping Rules. 

You'll be able to choose the Shipping Rules based on the name you gave them. 

Click on Apply Filter to be able to see all the orders that match this rule. 

  • Ship all orders

Once you have filtered your orders, you can easily ship them in less than a minute by clicking on Ship all orders.

As a first thing, contact us on out Live Chat 💬 to enable this option for your account.

If you filtered a rule that includes two or more carriers, you'll find the best option with a magenta frame around it. You can then choose the other option by clicking on the carrier logo. 


Click then on Ship all to generate your shipping labels in one click! You can find all your orders with the relative shipping labels on Label Creator > Shipping Labels


3. How to add Postal Codes in bulk for your Shipping Rules


Among the Conditions of your rules, you can select the By postcode option to include only orders whose recipient address contains a certains postal/zip code.

If you want to apply multiple Postcodes you need to separate them with a comma, without spaces.

Using the TEXTJOIN Excel formula is the best solution to easily upload a great number of Postcodes starting from a column of numbers inside a spreadsheet.


  • Insert your postal codes in one spreadsheet column

  • Click on one cell and copy this formula:



As you can note, A1:A10 represents the range to consider.
Select your cells to specify the range that you want to consider.

  • Press enter to automatically get all the values separated by commas, without spaces!

  • Now you just need to copy the formula result and paste the values inside the Shipping Rules sections without having to do it manually!




With this function, you can combine many numbers and add a delimiter, such as commas, between each value. For further information on the TextJoin Excel function, please also refer to this Microsoft guide.