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How Shipping Overview works
How Shipping Overview works
Updated over a week ago

Discover how to keep track of all your shipments through a detailed overview directly inside your ShippyPro account, and just a click away! 🚀

As a first step, click on Analytics > Shipping Overview to enter the section.

Then select the days interval you'd like to display your overview for, pick one option between:

7 days

30 days

60 days

90 days

You'll then have a panoramic of the following voices:

  • Shipping Breakdown which, in turn, will list some further detailed info such as:

Total Orders Shipped

Total Amount Spent (estimated)

Average days in transit

Average cost per shipment

  • Carriers

  • Shipping Spent Distribution

  • Countries

  • Countries - Carriers Performance from here you'll also be able to download a file containing a complete Report, you'll only have to click on Download full report

  • Worldwide Map

Here you have a breakdown of all your shipments' destinations, divided per National and International and their corresponding percentage.

Kindly remind that it is mandatory to indicate the value of ShipmentAmountPaid if you'd like to see the correct average cost.

⚠️The displayed percentage in the graphic is not related to the number of orders, but to the amount of money spent on the orders.

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