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Weight errors appears for your order? Take a look here to know why!

Updated over a week ago

It may have happened that weight errors appeared for your orders, don't worry, the resolution is actually pretty simple!

Let's see how to solve them! 🔎

BadRequest Invalid orderline fields, Weight must be greater than zero and max number of decimals is 3.

if you ever faced this type of error it means that items weight is wrong, in order to correct it you can try as following:

📌 Ship the order again by moving it back in To Ship section through the blue arrow icon on the right, then edit weight amount of the products to 0.1 minimum each.

BadRequest Parcel weight cannot be lower than sum of parcel orderline weights

If you see an error like this it means that items weight is greater than parcel weight, in try to correct it as following:

📌Ship the order again by moving it back in To Ship section through the blue arrow icon on the right, then edit weight amount of the items in order to be lower than parcel weight or add a greater parcel weight.

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