How to manage Map Pricing

Let’s take a look how to manage Map plans

Updated over a week ago

Manage your map pricing easily, go to Ship & Collect > Pricing and Usage.

Plan Details. 📊

At the top left you’ll see yours Current Plan, Maps Loads, the amount of Loads remaining, as well as Length of the Plan. 

Need to update your plan? 🔑

Let's see how to update the amount of Loads according to your necessities.

Drag the cursor to the amount of Loads needed. The prices for both Monthly and Annual Plans will appear right underneath

Just select the Payment Method you prefer and you're done! 🎉

Usage 🧮

Usage section will show you how many times your Customers used your Map. 🗺
Domain: shows the name of the marketplace of reference for the following data:

  • Script Loads this month: counts the times your script has been loaded for the current month. It's different from:

  • Maps Loads this month, that instead counts the times an address has been added and looked for.

  • Chosen points this month counts the points that have been used by the customers for their shipments.

Last 3 columns show you the total amount of script loads, maps loads and point chosen since the first use of Maps.


Now, clicking on Selected Points, there will be shown the details for all the points selected by the customers 📍

If you need more information on how the pricing works, check out our pricing page. 🚀

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