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How Reports BI section works
How Reports BI section works
Updated over a week ago

Discover how to retrieve and download detailed reports of all your shipments through ShippyPro Reports BI! ✨

As a first thing, access your ShippyPro account by clicking Analytics > Reports BI button on the left side menu.

Set up your parameters ⚙️

From here you'll be able to select some parameters to customise your reports, let's start with the Filters:




Min Date

Max Date

💡 You can select multiple Marketplaces/Carriers/Countries by keeping CTRL command pushed.

Select then the Fields to export by choosing a template among:

How many shipments per country

How many shipments per carrier

How many shipments per service

Transit time

Otherwise, pick your custom Fields to use by clicking on Choose Fields:

⚠️Transit time: you will get a number with 2 decimals, this number is given by the difference between the time of the last status update received minus the time of the first status update received, converted from seconds to days.

Create report 📥

Finally, let's create the Report!

You can pick one of the templates previously made or add a Report Name, so that you have the possibility to save current settings as template for the future.

As last step, select the File Format:





If you want, you can get a notification via email once the report has been generated.

Once clicked on Create Report it will may take up to 10 minutes, once done you'll automatically be able to display and download it by clicking on the dedicated button on the left of the page.

And you're done! 🎈

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